Monday, October 7, 2013

A New Start

So...I couldn't remember my log-in for the first I had to redo a new one!  If you're willing, please reintroduce yourself!  Sorry.....

I'm excited to do this journey with you all!  I will post weekly weigh-ins and we will get a recipe tab on here.  I'm open to any other ideas!


  1. I'm Amy, of course! I have been trying to lose weight since like age 10. It's always been about looking better, but this time I really need to BE healthy! High blood pressure, prediabetic, aches and pains, tired! I feel so much older than 36!!! My kids deserve a happy, energetic mom that's going to live! My hubby deserves a sexy, confident, energetic wife too. And I deserve to take care of this awesome temple God blessed me with for His glory!

  2. Hi! My name is Natasha. I am a mom of 3 girls (8, 4, and 1) and 5'7". After this last baby...I ended up at 215! I've been on WW since March and I’m at 186 as of last Tuesday. Tuesdays are my weight in day @ home so tomorrow I'll try and update how it’s going...

    Today was my weight in day and I only lost 1/2 a lb. But its ok...
